HCP (High Card Points) =====
A 4
K 3
Q 2
J 1
LTC (Losing Trick Count) =====
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_evaluationHand evaluation (13 April 2022, at 21:12 UTC). In Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
a void = 0 losing tricks.
a singleton other than an A = 1 losing trick.
a doubleton AK = 0, Ax or KQ = 1, Kx = 1 1/2, xx = 2 losing tricks.
a three card suit AKQ = 0, AKx = 1/2, AQx = 1, KQx = 1 1/2 losing trick.
a three card suit Axx = 1 1/2, Kxx = 2, Qxx = 2 1/2, xxx = 3 losing tricks.
suits longer than three cards are judged according to the three highest cards; no suit may have more than 3 losing tricks.
CC (Control Count) =====
A 2
K 1